Friday, June 13, 2008


The Apprentice The Apprentice
The Apprentice ability confers a 100-point bonus to your Magicka attribute, but gives you a 100% Weakness to Magic.
The Atronach The Atronach
With the Atronach ability you don't regain Magicka over time. Instead you have a 50% Spell Absorption to recharge your Magicka. Your base Magicka is also increased by 150 points.
The Lady The Lady
The Lady's Blessing confers bonuses of 10 points to your Willpower and Endurance attributes.
The Lord The Lord
Being born under the Lord gives you the Blood of the North lesser power to regenerate up to 90 points of Health. However, you also gain the Trollkin curse, a permanent 25% Weakness to Fire.
The Lover The Lover
Use the Lover's Kiss power once a day to paralyze an opponent for 10 seconds at the cost of 120 points of Fatigue.
The Mage The Mage
The Mage ability confers a permanent bonus of 50 points to your Magicka.
The Ritual The Ritual
Those born under the Ritual use the Mara's Gift power once a day as a powerful Restore Health spell. The Blessed Word can turn the undead.
The Serpent The Serpent
Gain the Serpent spell to cause a slow but potent poison on touch, while simultaneously curing yourself and dispelling magic on yourself. Casting this spell costs 100 points of Fatigue.
The Shadow The Shadow
Use the Moonshadow power once a day to become Invisible for 60 seconds.
The Steed The Steed
The Steed ability grants a bonus of 20 to your Speed attribute.
The Thief The Thief
The Thief ability grants a 10-point bonus to your Agility, Speed, and Luck attributes.
The Tower The Tower
With the Tower Key power, once a day open a door or container of Average lock level or less. The Tower Warden reflects five points of damage for 120 seconds once a day.
The Warrior The Warrior
The Warrior ability grants a bonus of 10 points to your Strength and Endurance attributes.